Krylov Subspace, Lancosz Iteration, QR and Conjugate Gradient


In practise, many numerical algorithms include iteratively multiply a matrix, like power method and QR algorithm.

All these algorithms have their core connected to a single construct, Krylov subspace and a operation, Lancosz Iteration. So this note motivates to understand this core.

Some properties of eigenvalue

Given $A\in\C^{n\times n}$ , it has eigen pairs $(\lambda_i,x_i)$.

we know the transform to the spectra if we transform the matrix in following ways.1

  • For polynomial transform $p(.)$, the eigen pairs of $p(A)$ are $(p(\lambda_i),x_i)$.
  • For rational transform $p(.)/q(.)$ the eigen pairs of $q(A)^{-1}p(A)$ are $(p(\lambda_i)/q(\lambda_i),x_i)$
  • For spectra shifting, $(A-\mu I)^{-1}$ has eigen pairs $(1/(\lambda_i-\mu),x_i)$ .
