
Here I want to compare several common deep learning frameworks and make sense of their workflow.

Core Logic


General Comments: TF is more like a library, in which many low-level operations are defined and programs are long. In contrast, Keras which can use tensorflow as backend has the similar level of abstraction as PyTorch, which is a higher level deep learning package. TFLearn may also be a higher level wrapper.

Besides, the design logic is quite different. TF is designed for static graph. Construct the computational graph first, and then put in data, and operate really in Session. It normally follows lazy execution instead of eager execution.

So it’s more like a compile and run language like C++ or Julia, than script language like Python.

  • General Programming Model: Graph and Execution
    • Use tensorflow operations to create a computational Graph
    • Evaluate / Run the graph in session .
      • Input can be feed into a graph, and results could be fetched in sess.run(fetches,feeds) .
      • Example: sess.run([output, intermediate], feed_dict={input1:[7.], input2:[2.]})
      • Session is interacting with the C++ runtime evaluating the graph.
  • Basic TF usage
  • Data Structure
    • Tensor. the basic datatype in computational graph.
      • tensor.eval() will evaluate the tensor by evaluating all the operations along the graph.
      • tf.convert_to_tensor is the way to convert other things into tensor
      • tf.constant is just a type of tensor. not really special.
    • Variable, like old PyTorch it’s a wrapper over tensor. It can keep states over several run call.
      • Tensor vs Variable
      • Varibales have to be initialize to use. You can do that by executing tf.global_variables_initializer().
    • Placeholder, is a way to let user inject data into computational graph. You have to specify this when run a computational graph
      • placeholder(dtype, shape=None, name=None)
  • Gradient Computation
    • tf.gradients can explicit compute gradient like torch.autograd.grad. see official note.
      • z = tf.subtract(tf.sin(x), tf.pow(y,3)); grad = tf.gradients(z, [x, y])
    • Loss variables can be sent into optimizer so that gradient could be computed towards target variables. Useful functionalities like
      • optimizer.compute_gradients(L,var_list=[v1,v2]) returns the variable and gradient pairs for each variable in var_list! Good to see the gradients if you want to manipulate it.
      • optimizer.apply_gradients(grads_and_vars,) will apply gradients to update variables.
      • optimizer.minimize(L) combines the 2 steps and update the variables.
vstr = tf.Variable([1,2,3.0],dtype=tf.float32) 
vstr2 = tf.Variable([3.0,2,1.0],dtype=tf.float32)
L = tf.tensordot(vstr, vstr2, axes=1) 
optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(beta1=0.9,beta2=0.8)
cG = optimizer.compute_gradients(L,var_list=[vstr2,vstr])
Min = optimizer.apply_gradients(cG)
with tf.Session() as sess:

  • Neural Networks

Tensorflow Notes

Tensorflow tutorial


Logic of pytorch is quite intuitive. PyTorch is designed for dynamics computational graph, very useful for debugging, try out things and for RNN training.

Generally, PyTorch is a great tool for general purpose differentiable computing, not just deep learning.

  • Data Structure
    • torch.tensor is the basic data type, which is quite similar to np.array format in numpy
      • tensor behave much like numpy so many basic visualization tool can still work with tensor!
      • But tensor only interact with tensor don’t add np.array with tensor
      • (For ancient PyTorch versions, Tensors could be wrapped up as Variable, and for Variable you can set the requires_grad flag as True to enable gradient computation, now tensor also support gradient computation. )
      • tmp = torch.tensor([1.0,2,3], requires_grad=True)
    • Just as numpy there are different datatypes of data in tensor like torch.float
      • tsr.type(dtype) will returns you a copy of tensor in the given format.
    • tensor can live in different devices, and only tensor on the same device could operate with each other.
      • tsr.device show you the device it lives in.
      • tsr.cpu() and tsr.cuda() returns you the same object if it’s already on that device. It will returns you copy if it’s not!
        • tsr=tsr.cuda() will transfer data to gpu, but tsr.cuda() itself will not.
  • Gradients computation

    • requires_grad could be set for tensor (and Variable) to enable gradient flow.
      • This flag will propagate automatically when other variables are constructed depending on a Variable that requires gradient.
      • i.e. Computational graph is generated while performing operation.
    • detach gives you a tensor detached from the computational graph! .detach() gives you a copy, and .detach_() just modifies the target tensor.

    • tensor s could be put into torch.autograd machinery or torch.optim optimizers to compute gradients and optimize!
      • optimizer = torch.optim.Adam([img_tensor], lr=0.1, weight_decay=1e-6)
      • torch.autograd.grad(loss,img_tsr)
  • Neural Networks

    • Basic component of PyTorch is module , it normally implements a forward and a backward function.
      • Note, as autograd is available, you don’t always need to write a backward function explicitly. You can loss.backward() then the gradient just flow back on the graph constructed during forward pass.
    • modules could be chained or constructed together to make models which we usually call networks.
    • Flags
      • model.cuda() returns you a copy of model with all parameters living on gpu
      • model.eval() set the flag into evaluation mode instead of training mode.
  • Serialization
  • Torch save model with 2 formats, serialize whole model object with torch.save or save weight through torch.save(model.state_dict()) See the recommended method
    • The former method mandates you have the class of the model defined or loading will fail.
    • The latter is more general, as long as you have the class definition for the model.
  • Conventions
  • Axis convention B,C,H,W same as caffe, but the channel is in RGB order.

Starting Tutorial to Learn Pytorch

How and When to use Module, Sequential, ModuleList and ModuleDict


  • Data Structure
    • Basic datastructure in Caffe is just numpy.array nothing special.
    • The input and output to layers are blob s
  • Neural Networks
  • Conventions
    • Axis convention B,C,H,W and also the channel direction for images are flipped, so the [0,1,2] channel is BGR


  • Data Structure
    • Basic data structure in matlab deep learning toolbox is dlarray . You have to wrap your normal matrix into dlarray to use as input to models. This is like torch.Tensor in pytorch, this wrap is needed to compute gradient and ease gpu acceleration.
    • extractdata is like torch.Tensor.numpy() that you can get your data back from the wrap, but this also breaks the gradient trace for your dlarray
    • dlarray has a labelled version and a un-labelled version. Labels will tell the framework whats the meaning of each axis.
      • Some operation requires a un-labelled dlarray some requires a labelled dlarray
    • Note the order of dimension in matlab is different from most python frameworks. Matlab uses [H,W,C,B] torch uses [B,C,H,W] . Besides, matlab is row (first dim) major array storage, python is column (last dim) major storage. So reshape can be very different in 2.
    • As for weight of conv layer, matlab stores it as [FilterSize(1),FilterSize(2),NumChannels,NumFilters]
    • In comparison, PyTorch uses [out_channels(NumFilters), in_channels(NumChannels), kernel_size ]
  • Neural Networks
    • Neural Networks have Layers and a graph
    • predict and activations seems like the function that calculate the activation like forward
      • calculateActivations is the core function underlying it.
  • Gradient Computation
    • In 2019b, matlab auto differentiation is done through dlgradient which could compute first order gradient for multiple input function using dlarray . However its current usage is not like torch.autograd see example . It has to be used in a function that gets passed to dlfeval .
    • Currently it doesn’t support higher order derivative in the backward mode! (like Hessian. So still needs pytorch for Hessian computation. )
      • However if you do artificial forward differentiation to approximate the Hessian! There you only first order gradients.
[f,g] = dlfeval(@model,net,dlX,t);

function [f,g] = model(net,dlX,T)
% Calculate objective using supported functions for dlarray
    y = forward(net,dlX);
    f = fcnvalue(y,T); % crossentropy or similar
    g = dlgradient(f,net.Learnables); % Automatic gradient
x0 = dlarray([-1,2]);
[fval,gradval] = dlfeval(@rosenbrock,x0)

function [y,dydx] = rosenbrock(x)
% calculate the dlgradient inside the function within dlfeval
    y = 100*(x(2) - x(1).^2).^2 + (1 - x(1)).^2;
    dydx = dlgradient(y,x);
  • Weight Initialization
    • Matlab provides some init algorithms like glorot (Xavier in torch) He (Kaiming in torch).
  • Learning Control
    • WeightLearnRateFactor can control the weight learning in each layer. like requires_grad in pytorch.

Peripheral Functionalities


  • Tensorboard awesome visualization for the training phase!
    • It can also visualize the computational graph as well!
  • Lucid awesome infrastruture to visualize and interpret deep neural networks.
  • Input pipeline of Tensorflow, is well handled by tf.data


  • torch.nn.DataParallel is a great tool, makes parallelized training at almost no cost!
  • PyTorch support tensorboard now! (Through tensorboardX in older versions.)
  • In parallel Lucent came out in May 2020 as a pytorch version of Lucid.

See also

Pytorch vs Tensorflow