Using Google Cloud Service for Large Scale Image Labelling
Installing Google SDK
- New a Google Cloud Platform Project
- Download Google Cloud SDK
- After installation run
gcloud init
and log in to your account there! - Select the GCP Project and the computing zone
- Finish the SDK configuration!
- After installation run
Installing Google API for different programs (like Vision we use)
conda install -c conda-forge google-cloud-vision
Following packages may be necassary
conda install -c conda-forge google-api-python-client
conda install -c conda-forge google-auth
conda install -c conda-forge google-auth-oauthlib
Set up Credentials for Google on PC
- Follow the steps to get an account and a credential. Download the JSON file it generates
or set the environment variables manuallyset GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=[path_to_json]
Note: If this is not set, then you can import the google packages like from import vision
. But you will see errors when creating a client!
Note: If the environment variable is not working, manually set it in python.
import os
os.environ['GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS'] = r"D:\Github\Google_Vision_Image_Labelling\Image-patch-labelling-4e4cfd1664c2.json"
Use the service through the client!
import os
import io
import json
import pickle
from os.path import join
os.environ['GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS'] = r"D:\Github\Google_Vision_Image_Labelling\Image-patch-labelling-4e4cfd1664c2.json"
# set up the client
from import vision
client = vision.ImageAnnotatorClient()
imgbasedir = r"N:\Stimuli\2019-Free-Viewing"
subfolders = ['2019-08-19-Beto',
for subfolder in subfolders:
imgdir = join(imgbasedir, subfolder)
# filter image names by their suffix
imgnames = [fn for fn in os.listdir(imgdir) if \
any(fn.endswith('.'+sfx) for sfx in ["bmp","BMP","jpg","jpeg","png","JPG","JPEG","tiff","TIFF"]) and \
not os.path.isdir(join(imgdir, fn))]
print("%d Images in %s folder" % (len(imgnames), subfolder))
from time import time
t0 = time()
for subfolder in subfolders:
imgdir = join(imgbasedir, subfolder)
# filter image names by their suffix
imgnames = [fn for fn in os.listdir(imgdir) if \
any(fn.endswith('.'+sfx) for sfx in ["bmp","BMP","jpg","jpeg","png","JPG","JPEG","tiff","TIFF"]) and \
not os.path.isdir(join(imgdir, fn))]
print("%d Images in %s folder" % (len(imgnames), subfolder))
image_parse_dict = {}
for imgname in imgnames:
with, imgname), 'rb') as image_file:
content =
image = vision.types.Image(content=content)
response = client.label_detection(image=image)
labels = response.label_annotations
label_data = []
for label in labels:
print("%s score: %.4f " % (label.description, label.score))
label_data.append((label.description, label.score))
image_parse_dict[imgname] = label_data
pickle.dump(image_parse_dict, open(join(imgdir, "label_dict.pkl"), "wb")) # Pkl file saved in binary format
json.dump(image_parse_dict, open(join(imgdir, 'label_result.json'), 'w')) # json file saved in readable format
print("%.1fs" % (time() - t0))
# JSON is easier for matlab to read!!
# do `jsonData = jsondecode(fileread('..\\label_result.json'));` in matlab
print("%.1fs" % (time() - t0))
#%% Loading code post hoc
image_parse_dict = pickle.load(open(os.path.join(imgdir, "label_dict.pkl"), "rb"))
data_dict = json.load(open('result.json', 'r'))