
This is a simple example.

if pretrained:
	self.load_state_dict(torch.hub.load_state_dict_from_url(model_urls['inceptionv1'], progress=progress))

The official blog about how to use this is here.

Hosting Weights

The major challenge is to publish weight online. For that you need a public file hosting service, which Google Drive and OneDrive can do.

The second thing is you need to have a link directly to the file instead of to the webpage. For that you can search direct download link.

Currently my solution is,

  • OneDrive business doesn’t seem to have the embed option so doesn’t work
  • Google Drive cannot share large file directly, though you can download them through links.
    • Use this website to turn the shareable link into a direct downloadable link. But it’s not directly downloadable for large files.
  • So I use OneDrive personal for this,
    1. Put the files in the drive
    2. View the file online.
    3. Select the option Embed in right click menu.
    4. Copy the embed code to this website and follow the 3 steps.
    5. Then you can get the Direct Download Link and put them in your code.

After hosting the weights

self.load_state_dict(torch.hub.load_state_dict_from_url(model_urls['inceptionv1'], progress=progress)) will work perfectly!

Loading Weights

To avoid downloading weight multiple times, we can make a local cache system like this.

def load_statedict_from_online(name="fc6"):
    torchhome = torch.hub._get_torch_home()
    ckpthome = join(torchhome, "checkpoints")
    os.makedirs(ckpthome, exist_ok=True)
    filepath = join(ckpthome, ""%name)
    if os.path.exists(filepath):
        torch.hub.download_url_to_file(model_urls[name], filepath, hash_prefix=None, progress=True)
    SD = torch.load(filepath)
    return SD

A more advanced cache system could host a dict or list in the global scope in the module. So if the model has been loaded once it can be loaded from memory directly.