
As mentioned in our high-dimensional PCA note, understanding the spectrum of Toeplitz matrix is important.

The subject itself is a bit technical, but the analytical techniques involved in it are splendid and general. So here I took note from this paper and present way to calculate the spectrum on paper (or by mathematica).

Problem Formulation

Given a $n$ dimensional tri-toeplitz matrix $A$,

Classic way of finding eigenvalues is to solve the eigenequation $(A-\lambda I)v=0$ or the eigen polynomial $\det(A-\lambda I)$.

Note the eigen-polynomial $W_n(\lambda)$ is a $n$ degree polynomial in $\lambda$. The first useful trick is to calculate this polynomial by recursion or mathematical induction!

Eigenpolynomial by Induction

Simply, we denote the eigenpolynomial of dimension $n$ matrix as $W_n(\lambda)$. These polynomials are easy to calculate by hand for low dimensions.

  • For $n=1$, $W_1=a-\lambda$,
  • For $n=2$, $W_2=(a-\lambda)^2-bc$

The key is to notice that $W_n$ of different dimensions were recursively connected: using the minor expansion formula of determinant, we can see


Solve the Linear Recurrence Relation

We got the two element recursion rule for determinant, what’s the closed form solution for this sequence? For constant recursive sequence also known as linear recurrence relation, a general way to solve it is to solve the characteristic polynomial equation.


When there are two distinct solutions $\Delta\neq0$

\[\eta_{1,2}=\frac{(a-\lambda)\pm\sqrt{\Delta}}{2}\\ \Delta = (a-\lambda)^2-4bc\]

Let’s make ansatz $W_n(\lambda)=A\eta_1^n+B\eta_2^n$ and solve the coefficients $A,B$ by the initial condition.

\[\begin{bmatrix} \eta_1 & \eta_2\\ \eta_1^2 & \eta_2^2 \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} A\\ B \end{bmatrix}= \begin{bmatrix} a-\lambda\\ (a-\lambda)^2-bc \end{bmatrix}\]

By tedious computation (or Mathematica), we got

\[A=\eta_1/\sqrt{\Delta}\\B=-\eta_2/\sqrt{\Delta}\\ W_n(\lambda)=\frac{1}{\sqrt{\Delta}}(\eta_1^{n+1}-\eta_2^{n+1})\]

Solve Eigenpolynomial

Given this beautiful relationship, solve the polynomial became easier $W_n(\lambda)=0$

\[\eta_1\eta_2=bc\\ \eta_1+\eta_2=a-\lambda\\ \frac{1}{\sqrt{\Delta}}(\eta_1^{n+1}-\eta_2^{n+1})=0\\ (\eta_1^{2n+2}-(bc)^{n+1})\frac{\eta_2^{n+1}}{\sqrt{\Delta}}=0\]

Solution to this equation is

\[(\frac{\eta_1^2}{bc})^{n+1}=1\\ \eta_1^2 = bc\exp{\frac{i2k\pi}{n+1}},\mbox{ for }k=0,...n\\ \eta_1 = \pm\sqrt{bc}\exp{\frac{ik\pi}{n+1}}\\ \eta_2 = \pm\sqrt{bc}\exp{\frac{-ik\pi}{n+1}}\\\]

Thus by $\eta_1+\eta_2$

\[\lambda= a - (\eta_1+\eta_2)\\ \lambda_k=a\mp\sqrt{bc}(\exp{\frac{ik\pi}{n+1}}+\exp{\frac{-ik\pi}{n+1}})\\ \lambda_k =a\mp2\sqrt{bc} \cos(\frac{k\pi}{n+1}),\mbox{ for }k=0,...n\\\]

It seems there are $2(n+1)$ choices, but there are $n+2$ unique values in this formula, since.

\[a+2\sqrt{bc} \cos(\frac{k\pi}{n+1})=a-2\sqrt{bc} \cos(\frac{(n+1-k)\pi}{n+1})\mbox{ for }k=1...n\]

Thus we could summarize the $n+2$ unique values in this formula

\[\lambda_k =a-2\sqrt{bc} \cos(\frac{k\pi}{n+1}),\mbox{ for }k=0,...n+1\\\]

Notice that $k=0,n+1$ will generate eigenvalue $\lambda_0=a\pm2\sqrt{bc}$. which leads to $\Delta=(a-\lambda)^2-4bc=0$, thus it violates the assumption above.

In summary the valida solution for $\lambda$ are the following, exactly $n$ values. (since the $W_n$ is a $n$ degree polynomial, it shall only have $n$ solutions. )

\[\lambda_k =a-2\sqrt{bc} \cos(\frac{k\pi}{n+1}),\mbox{ for }k=1,...n\\\]