Problem Setting

The original problem of non-negative matrix factorization is simple, if the dissimarity $D(A|HW)$ between original matrix and reconstructed one is L2 distance than,

\[argmin_{H,W} \|A-HW\|_F^2, \\ s.t.\ W\succeq0, H\succeq0\]

The non-negative constraint applies element-wise.

If the dissimilarity is quantified by cross-entropy, then it could be written as

\[argmin_{H,W} D_{KL}(A||HW), \\ s.t.\ W\succeq0, H\succeq0\]

Regularization to promote sparsity and other property

Note to promote sparsity and other desirable property, we can add other regularization terms to objective.

Note NMF and soft label K-means clustering is mathematically equivalent!


Alternative Least Square

For this problem, the basic idea is that when we focus on part of variables H or W the problem becomes a linearly constraint convex sub-problem, (even with some regularization term it’s still a convex problem,) thus could be solved unanimously with linear algebraic method. But the alternating between H and W makes the problem non-convex. Because of this many algorithms has Alternative in its name.

Note, non-negative constraints are still linear constraints, thus you can still add these non-negativity and use constraint linear programming to solve it. Matlab lsqlin or scipy.optimize.lsq_linear . L2 regularizations are solvable and L1 regularization has specialized methods.

Hierarchical Alternative Least Square Algorithm

One algorithm that really interests us is Hierarchical Alternative Least Square Algorithm (hals), which is kind of the state of the art algorithm of the problem.

Here I’ll state the structure of HALS algorithm.

The core idea is to solve each component to the residue separately, so each subproblem is much simpler, and also local to the component.

Multiplicative Update Rule

This is the original algorithm as proposed in Lee & Seung, which is another major kind of learning rule for NMF.

They proof that the objective is non-increasing under this learning rule. We link a derivation to it. \(H_{i,j} \leftarrow H_{ij} \frac{(AW^T)_{ij}}{(HWW^T)_{ij}}\\ W_{i,j} \leftarrow W_{ij} \frac{(H^TA)_{ij}}{(H^THW)_{ij}}\)


There are multiple interpretations of NMF, they are mathematically equivalent

  • K-means
  • Sparse coding
  • Generative model


Reference for Implementation is this repo. And the HALS algorithm is from this paper specifically.

CICHOCKI, A., & PHAN, A.-H. (2009). Fast Local Algorithms for Large Scale Nonnegative Matrix and Tensor Factorizations. IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, E92-A(3), 708–721.