
Sometimes the matrix (samples) to be correlated is too large, then you need to compute the correlation when the data is pouring in, i.e. online computing correlation.


Correlation between 2 random variables or vectors $X,Y$ are defined as \(\rho = \frac{(X-\bar X)\cdot (Y-\bar Y)}{\sqrt{(X-\bar X)\cdot (X-\bar X)}\sqrt{(Y-\bar Y)\cdot (Y-\bar Y)}}\\=\frac{E(X-\bar X)\cdot (Y-\bar Y)}{\sigma_X\sigma_Y}\\\) This formula is not suited for online calculation of correlation. Using the component representation \(\rho =\frac{\frac 1n \sum_iX_i Y_i - \bar X\bar Y}{\sqrt{\frac 1n \sum X_i^2-\bar X^2}\sqrt{\frac 1n \sum Y_i^2-\bar Y^2}}\) Note in this formula, the samples or trials are independent to each other, and update could be efficient. The stats we want to maintain through out this is

  • $\sum_i X_i Y_i$
  • $\sum_i X_i, \sum_i Y_i$
  • $\sum_i X_i^2, \sum_i Y_i^2$
  • Sample number $n$

Then we can use this to compute correlation real time.

Potential usage includes using it real time to update correlation coefficients among channels or brain areas or between brain and in silico networks through out experiments.