Tuning Manifold Charting: the Official Code Base for the Paper:
Dataset Structure
Our formatted and reduced dataset is stored in .mat
format as a structure array, which can be accessed from Matlab or Python.
- Each experimental session has one struct corresponding to Evolution, and one struct corresponding to Manifold experiment.
- Array is organized in the order of experiment time for each monkey.
Code Structure
Our analysis code is written in Matlab and Python. Matlab for most statistical analysis, Python esp. pytorch for the in silico experiment and modelling.
Statistical Analysis
- Evolution trajectory, successfulness, best generation.
- Tuning Map, basic stats (ANOVA, F).
- Kent function fitting of tuning map, extract Kent parameters, population analysis of Kent parameter.
- Radial Tuning curve, AUC for tuning curve.
- Non-parametric statistics
- Volume under the Surface (VUS).
- -> Figure 2B
- -> Figure 2C
- Plot tuning maps in the same configuration as the electrode array. (Figure 5)
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